namespace Doctrine\ORM\Proxy;
use Closure;
use Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory;
use Doctrine\Common\Proxy\Proxy as CommonProxy;
use Doctrine\Common\Proxy\ProxyDefinition;
use Doctrine\Common\Proxy\ProxyGenerator;
use Doctrine\Deprecations\Deprecation;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityNotFoundException;
use Doctrine\ORM\ORMInvalidArgumentException;
use Doctrine\ORM\Persisters\Entity\EntityPersister;
use Doctrine\ORM\Proxy\Proxy as LegacyProxy;
use Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork;
use Doctrine\ORM\Utility\IdentifierFlattener;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Proxy;
use ReflectionProperty;
use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\ProxyHelper;
use Throwable;
use function array_combine;
use function array_flip;
use function array_intersect_key;
use function bin2hex;
use function chmod;
use function class_exists;
use function dirname;
use function file_exists;
use function file_put_contents;
use function filemtime;
use function is_bool;
use function is_dir;
use function is_int;
use function is_writable;
use function ltrim;
use function mkdir;
use function preg_match_all;
use function random_bytes;
use function rename;
use function rtrim;
use function str_replace;
use function strpos;
use function strrpos;
use function strtr;
use function substr;
use function ucfirst;
use const PHP_VERSION_ID;
* This factory is used to create proxy objects for entities at runtime.
class ProxyFactory extends AbstractProxyFactory
* Never autogenerate a proxy and rely that it was generated by some
* process before deployment.
public const AUTOGENERATE_NEVER = 0;
* Always generates a new proxy in every request.
* This is only sane during development.
public const AUTOGENERATE_ALWAYS = 1;
* Autogenerate the proxy class when the proxy file does not exist.
* This strategy causes a file_exists() call whenever any proxy is used the
* first time in a request.
* Generate the proxy classes using eval().
* This strategy is only sane for development, and even then it gives me
* the creeps a little.
public const AUTOGENERATE_EVAL = 3;
* Autogenerate the proxy class when the proxy file does not exist or
* when the proxied file changed.
* This strategy causes a file_exists() call whenever any proxy is used the
* first time in a request. When the proxied file is changed, the proxy will
* be updated.
private const PROXY_CLASS_TEMPLATE = <<<'EOPHP'
namespace <namespace>;
class <proxyShortClassName> extends \<className> implements \<baseProxyInterface>
public function __isInitialized(): bool
return isset($this->lazyObjectState) && $this->isLazyObjectInitialized();
public function __serialize(): array
/** @var EntityManagerInterface The EntityManager this factory is bound to. */
private $em;
/** @var UnitOfWork The UnitOfWork this factory uses to retrieve persisters */
private $uow;
/** @var string */
private $proxyDir;
/** @var string */
private $proxyNs;
/** @var self::AUTOGENERATE_* */
private $autoGenerate;
* The IdentifierFlattener used for manipulating identifiers
* @var IdentifierFlattener
private $identifierFlattener;
/** @var array<class-string, Closure> */
private $proxyFactories = [];
/** @var bool */
private $isLazyGhostObjectEnabled = true;
* Initializes a new instance of the <tt>ProxyFactory</tt> class that is
* connected to the given <tt>EntityManager</tt>.
* @param EntityManagerInterface $em The EntityManager the new factory works for.
* @param string $proxyDir The directory to use for the proxy classes. It must exist.
* @param string $proxyNs The namespace to use for the proxy classes.
* @param bool|self::AUTOGENERATE_* $autoGenerate The strategy for automatically generating proxy classes.
public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em, $proxyDir, $proxyNs, $autoGenerate = self::AUTOGENERATE_NEVER)
if (! $em->getConfiguration()->isLazyGhostObjectEnabled()) {
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100) {
'Not enabling lazy ghost objects is deprecated and will not be supported in Doctrine ORM 3.0. Ensure Doctrine\ORM\Configuration::setLazyGhostObjectEnabled(true) is called to enable them.'
$this->isLazyGhostObjectEnabled = false;
$proxyGenerator = new ProxyGenerator($proxyDir, $proxyNs);
// @phpstan-ignore classConstant.deprecatedInterface
$proxyGenerator->setPlaceholder('baseProxyInterface', LegacyProxy::class);
parent::__construct($proxyGenerator, $em->getMetadataFactory(), $autoGenerate);
if (! $proxyDir) {
throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::proxyDirectoryRequired();
if (! $proxyNs) {
throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::proxyNamespaceRequired();
if (is_int($autoGenerate) ? $autoGenerate < 0 || $autoGenerate > 4 : ! is_bool($autoGenerate)) {
throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::invalidAutoGenerateMode($autoGenerate);
$this->em = $em;
$this->uow = $em->getUnitOfWork();
$this->proxyDir = $proxyDir;
$this->proxyNs = $proxyNs;
$this->autoGenerate = (int) $autoGenerate;
$this->identifierFlattener = new IdentifierFlattener($this->uow, $em->getMetadataFactory());
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getProxy($className, array $identifier)
if (! $this->isLazyGhostObjectEnabled) {
return parent::getProxy($className, $identifier);
$proxyFactory = $this->proxyFactories[$className] ?? $this->getProxyFactory($className);
return $proxyFactory($identifier);
* Generates proxy classes for all given classes.
* @param ClassMetadata[] $classes The classes (ClassMetadata instances) for which to generate proxies.
* @param string|null $proxyDir The target directory of the proxy classes. If not specified, the
* directory configured on the Configuration of the EntityManager used
* by this factory is used.
* @return int Number of generated proxies.
public function generateProxyClasses(array $classes, $proxyDir = null)
if (! $this->isLazyGhostObjectEnabled) {
return parent::generateProxyClasses($classes, $proxyDir);
$generated = 0;
foreach ($classes as $class) {
if ($this->skipClass($class)) {
$proxyFileName = $this->getProxyFileName($class->getName(), $proxyDir ?: $this->proxyDir);
$proxyClassName = self::generateProxyClassName($class->getName(), $this->proxyNs);
$this->generateProxyClass($class, $proxyFileName, $proxyClassName);
return $generated;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @deprecated ProxyFactory::resetUninitializedProxy() is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0 of doctrine/orm.
public function resetUninitializedProxy(CommonProxy $proxy)
return parent::resetUninitializedProxy($proxy);
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function skipClass(ClassMetadata $metadata)
return $metadata->isMappedSuperclass
|| $metadata->isEmbeddedClass
|| $metadata->getReflectionClass()->isAbstract();
* {@inheritDoc}
* @deprecated ProxyFactory::createProxyDefinition() is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0 of doctrine/orm.
protected function createProxyDefinition($className)
$classMetadata = $this->em->getClassMetadata($className);
$entityPersister = $this->uow->getEntityPersister($className);
$initializer = $this->createInitializer($classMetadata, $entityPersister);
$cloner = $this->createCloner($classMetadata, $entityPersister);
return new ProxyDefinition(
self::generateProxyClassName($className, $this->proxyNs),
* Creates a closure capable of initializing a proxy
* @deprecated ProxyFactory::createInitializer() is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0 of doctrine/orm.
* @phpstan-return Closure(CommonProxy):void
* @throws EntityNotFoundException
private function createInitializer(ClassMetadata $classMetadata, EntityPersister $entityPersister): Closure
$wakeupProxy = $classMetadata->getReflectionClass()->hasMethod('__wakeup');
return function (CommonProxy $proxy) use ($entityPersister, $classMetadata, $wakeupProxy): void {
$initializer = $proxy->__getInitializer();
$cloner = $proxy->__getCloner();
if ($proxy->__isInitialized()) {
$properties = $proxy->__getLazyProperties();
foreach ($properties as $propertyName => $property) {
if (! isset($proxy->$propertyName)) {
$proxy->$propertyName = $properties[$propertyName];
if ($wakeupProxy) {
$identifier = $classMetadata->getIdentifierValues($proxy);
try {
$entity = $entityPersister->loadById($identifier, $proxy);
} catch (Throwable $exception) {
throw $exception;
if ($entity === null) {
throw EntityNotFoundException::fromClassNameAndIdentifier(
$this->identifierFlattener->flattenIdentifier($classMetadata, $identifier)
* Creates a closure capable of initializing a proxy
* @return Closure(InternalProxy, array):void
* @throws EntityNotFoundException
private function createLazyInitializer(ClassMetadata $classMetadata, EntityPersister $entityPersister, IdentifierFlattener $identifierFlattener): Closure
return static function (InternalProxy $proxy, array $identifier) use ($entityPersister, $classMetadata, $identifierFlattener): void {
$original = $entityPersister->loadById($identifier);
if ($original === null) {
throw EntityNotFoundException::fromClassNameAndIdentifier(
$identifierFlattener->flattenIdentifier($classMetadata, $identifier)
if ($proxy === $original) {
$class = $entityPersister->getClassMetadata();
foreach ($class->getReflectionProperties() as $property) {
if (isset($identifier[$property->name]) || ! $class->hasField($property->name) && ! $class->hasAssociation($property->name)) {
$property->setValue($proxy, $property->getValue($original));
* Creates a closure capable of finalizing state a cloned proxy
* @deprecated ProxyFactory::createCloner() is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0 of doctrine/orm.
* @phpstan-return Closure(CommonProxy):void
* @throws EntityNotFoundException
private function createCloner(ClassMetadata $classMetadata, EntityPersister $entityPersister): Closure
return function (CommonProxy $proxy) use ($entityPersister, $classMetadata): void {
if ($proxy->__isInitialized()) {
$class = $entityPersister->getClassMetadata();
$identifier = $classMetadata->getIdentifierValues($proxy);
$original = $entityPersister->loadById($identifier);
if ($original === null) {
throw EntityNotFoundException::fromClassNameAndIdentifier(
$this->identifierFlattener->flattenIdentifier($classMetadata, $identifier)
foreach ($class->getReflectionProperties() as $property) {
if (! $class->hasField($property->name) && ! $class->hasAssociation($property->name)) {
$property->setValue($proxy, $property->getValue($original));
private function getProxyFileName(string $className, string $baseDirectory): string
$baseDirectory = $baseDirectory ?: $this->proxyDir;
return rtrim($baseDirectory, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . InternalProxy::MARKER
. str_replace('\\', '', $className) . '.php';
private function getProxyFactory(string $className): Closure
$skippedProperties = [];
$class = $this->em->getClassMetadata($className);
$identifiers = array_flip($class->getIdentifierFieldNames());
$filter = ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED | ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE;
$reflector = $class->getReflectionClass();
while ($reflector) {
foreach ($reflector->getProperties($filter) as $property) {
$name = $property->name;
if ($property->isStatic() || (($class->hasField($name) || $class->hasAssociation($name)) && ! isset($identifiers[$name]))) {
$prefix = $property->isPrivate() ? "\0" . $property->class . "\0" : ($property->isProtected() ? "\0*\0" : '');
$skippedProperties[$prefix . $name] = true;
$filter = ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE;
$reflector = $reflector->getParentClass();
$className = $class->getName(); // aliases and case sensitivity
$entityPersister = $this->uow->getEntityPersister($className);
$initializer = $this->createLazyInitializer($class, $entityPersister, $this->identifierFlattener);
$proxyClassName = $this->loadProxyClass($class);
$identifierFields = array_intersect_key($class->getReflectionProperties(), $identifiers);
$proxyFactory = Closure::bind(static function (array $identifier) use ($initializer, $skippedProperties, $identifierFields, $className): InternalProxy {
$proxy = self::createLazyGhost(static function (InternalProxy $object) use ($initializer, $identifier): void {
$initializer($object, $identifier);
}, $skippedProperties);
foreach ($identifierFields as $idField => $reflector) {
if (! isset($identifier[$idField])) {
throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::missingPrimaryKeyValue($className, $idField);
$reflector->setValue($proxy, $identifier[$idField]);
return $proxy;
}, null, $proxyClassName);
return $this->proxyFactories[$className] = $proxyFactory;
private function loadProxyClass(ClassMetadata $class): string
$proxyClassName = self::generateProxyClassName($class->getName(), $this->proxyNs);
if (class_exists($proxyClassName, false)) {
return $proxyClassName;
if ($this->autoGenerate === self::AUTOGENERATE_EVAL) {
$this->generateProxyClass($class, null, $proxyClassName);
return $proxyClassName;
$fileName = $this->getProxyFileName($class->getName(), $this->proxyDir);
switch ($this->autoGenerate) {
if (file_exists($fileName) && filemtime($fileName) >= filemtime($class->getReflectionClass()->getFileName())) {
// no break
if (file_exists($fileName)) {
// no break
$this->generateProxyClass($class, $fileName, $proxyClassName);
require $fileName;
return $proxyClassName;
private function generateProxyClass(ClassMetadata $class, ?string $fileName, string $proxyClassName): void
$i = strrpos($proxyClassName, '\\');
$placeholders = [
'<className>' => $class->getName(),
'<namespace>' => substr($proxyClassName, 0, $i),
'<proxyShortClassName>' => substr($proxyClassName, 1 + $i),
'<baseProxyInterface>' => InternalProxy::class,
preg_match_all('(<([a-zA-Z]+)>)', self::PROXY_CLASS_TEMPLATE, $placeholderMatches);
foreach (array_combine($placeholderMatches[0], $placeholderMatches[1]) as $placeholder => $name) {
$placeholders[$placeholder] ?? $placeholders[$placeholder] = $this->{'generate' . ucfirst($name)}($class);
$proxyCode = strtr(self::PROXY_CLASS_TEMPLATE, $placeholders);
if (! $fileName) {
if (! class_exists($proxyClassName)) {
eval(substr($proxyCode, 5));
$parentDirectory = dirname($fileName);
if (! is_dir($parentDirectory) && ! @mkdir($parentDirectory, 0775, true)) {
throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::proxyDirectoryNotWritable($this->proxyDir);
if (! is_writable($parentDirectory)) {
throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::proxyDirectoryNotWritable($this->proxyDir);
$tmpFileName = $fileName . '.' . bin2hex(random_bytes(12));
file_put_contents($tmpFileName, $proxyCode);
@chmod($tmpFileName, 0664);
rename($tmpFileName, $fileName);
private function generateUseLazyGhostTrait(ClassMetadata $class): string
$code = ProxyHelper::generateLazyGhost($class->getReflectionClass());
$code = substr($code, 7 + (int) strpos($code, "\n{"));
$code = substr($code, 0, (int) strpos($code, "\n}"));
$code = str_replace('LazyGhostTrait;', str_replace("\n ", "\n", 'LazyGhostTrait {
initializeLazyObject as __load;
setLazyObjectAsInitialized as public __setInitialized;
isLazyObjectInitialized as private;
createLazyGhost as private;
resetLazyObject as private;
}'), $code);
return $code;
private function generateSerializeImpl(ClassMetadata $class): string
$reflector = $class->getReflectionClass();
$properties = $reflector->hasMethod('__serialize') ? 'parent::__serialize()' : '(array) $this';
$code = '$properties = ' . $properties . ';
unset($properties["\0" . self::class . "\0lazyObjectState"]);
if ($reflector->hasMethod('__serialize') || ! $reflector->hasMethod('__sleep')) {
return $code . 'return $properties;';
return $code . '$data = [];
foreach (parent::__sleep() as $name) {
$value = $properties[$k = $name] ?? $properties[$k = "\0*\0$name"] ?? $properties[$k = "\0' . $reflector->name . '\0$name"] ?? $k = null;
if (null === $k) {
trigger_error(sprintf(\'serialize(): "%s" returned as member variable from __sleep() but does not exist\', $name), \E_USER_NOTICE);
} else {
$data[$k] = $value;
return $data;';
private static function generateProxyClassName(string $className, string $proxyNamespace): string
return rtrim($proxyNamespace, '\\') . '\\' . Proxy::MARKER . '\\' . ltrim($className, '\\');